Friday 6 April 2007

What is it to be together and when does the brain function wholly?

K brings it up regularly ‘to examine together’; as if this togetherness contains something which we have not discovered yet. At first we overlook the significance of it. Is there any? Working in a group what does this mean? What is happening most of the time and why? Is there an intelligent way of looking at it? Democracy is based on it. Can democracy function differently?


a natural creature on planet earth said...

the group-dynamics.. being in the middle of it there is the opportunity to look at all the unspoken laws which seem to direct our behaviors.. is it a basic animalistic fundament we act from? we are members of the herd (called society), hierarchically determined, acting and reacting from instinctive signals, a natural conditioning evolved during ages and ages.. and now what.. when we do see that fact.. when i truly admit i am behaving as an animal.. competing, striving, socializing, wanting to multiply and to survive, defending and expanding my territory, looking for food.. food in all its aspects.. also the psychological food.. all these tendencies are translated into psychological patterns.. we like to call it human behavior, but it is just an ordinary natural beastial matter..
do i see it, can i admit it? and can you? and when we do then what kind of relationship do we have.. must be a very honest one, a relationship where we can share our seeings on this matter, and when you react i can say 'hey look at that' and vice versa.. we can look at our competing and violent actions, we can see them for what they are.. we can point them out to eachother, think about them together, sharing different points of views.. making our perception wider and wider..

WSB said...

Being in a group there is this dynamics we know all well. We must have learned it as children. There appears to be some primitive underlying behavior. Now being aware of this I can be differently. I can say no I am not interested in dominating over the others. Being aware is only possible if I can see it in me. To admit and to watch what is happening in all its complexity frees. The moment I react I know it is limited so there is no need to react. Being together I am aware of my selfish action? I see that it does not make sense. So being together gives me the possibility to be aware of something I have not seen before it acts like a mirror. There two sides to it. On one side it is primitive and on the other side there is the opportunity to see and to be aware.

a natural creature on planet earth said...

is it possible to stand alone and at the same time being together? why do i look for others, why do i want to communicate, is this coming from a need to establish myself? if so then i probably act according to the group-rules.. i'll do anything to be part of the group, i don't want to be an outsider.. an independent individual.. a nobody..
but can i ever be a wholly functioning being when i am busy adapting to my surroundings? and when i donot adapt, will that cause conflicts? what kind of conflicts.. can i accept the conflict as something inevitable and therefore i don't suffer from it? and maybe i'll create room that way to unfold myself, to fulfill my potential? i don't know.. just some questions in my mind..

WSB said...

To communicate I have to listen to others. This does not exclude I cannot express what is my mind. But then we have these images of the other, of myself. Can I realize that I have these images? Can I realize they are what they are, images and not what is. Not what I observe without setting any limitations. To be together means not to be part of a group. There is society and there are groups and we tend to identify with a group. It is like taking shelter and building a defense. Looking at all this we see that it does not make sense. It implies fragmentation, division and this prevents any communication. There is also that we want to be viewed by others a certain way. It is part of the self-image and wanting to establish something. Can I again see for what it is, a simple projection? Can I be free of the images the others might have about me? So when I do not belong to any group and I am able to listen, I can give attention in going into what the other says and I express what is in my mind, what is happening? We say we are alone. But this implies to be isolated. I am isolated when I listen and communicate? No. - I am a nobody? Or is it not only then that I am somebody, a person free to listen and to reflect on its own, a person who lives intensively? - There are conflicts, there are contradictions. Can I look at them totally? Listen to the mind and go into it?

a natural creature on planet earth said...

sure, why not, we can go into it.
and immediately there are reactions i can watch for what they are.. conflicts and contradictions, why do we expect a life without trouble? nature is always about trouble, the struggle for life.. does nature suffer from it? there is this difference, we are conscious, we judge and label and discriminate far beyond the technical physical realm, we have invented a moral and determine from that something good or bad.. what is the somebody, or the nobody, mostly from a social moral perspective.. we can see it for what it is, i have these reactions because i've been brought up that way, can i accept it? not fighting it, not judging it, but an understanding of it can make a change.

WSB said...

Looking at contradictions there are immediate reactions. The reactions do not fit in with what we project or we want. Trouble simply calls for attention. But no the projection does not want to go into it. Seeing that projecting comes in the way I can stop the projection, I can watch the contradiction and all the reactions associated with it, I am conscious of it, I can look at the whole and see what is behind what is crucial in it. Is there consciousness in judgments and labeling or discrimination? Why do we apply rules without finding out what it does? Now watching simply what is happening and seeing the way we react, as you say, is the change. The crux is we do not see the importance of it. We run away. We do what someone else does. We like to do what someone else does.

a natural creature on planet earth said...

yes i want to be with people i can align to.. i don't want to be alone.. i need the support and the confident from others.. i want to hear i am doing fine.. i don't want to be a nobody.. so i do what someone else does.. it makes me feel i am somebody..
being truly on your own means you are a nobody..
nothing to hide in, to look for, to gain, or to lose..

WSB said...

We like to do what someone else does? Because then I am part of the group? Because then nobody asks me why? I do not want to be asked why? I like to be with people I can align to. I need the confidence. Confidence comes though interaction with others? Is not confidence coming from deep examination. But examination and finding out can be part of communication. So communication can give confidence. Confidence I need, to look into questions I do not know. Being together and communicate drives confidence, and this drives the process of finding out, to examine and to question.